Feedback from last year
Words can't express the Hakoras HaTov that I have towards Power of Purim. Last year Purim a relative needed a shidduch, this year Purim they are happily married. The Z'chus for this is immeasurable. Hatzlocha Rabba further, keep up the phenomenal work
I heard about your program last year, when my baby was 3 years old. I signed up and davened for my 'name' at the Rimnitzer Rebbe's tzion in Monsey on Taanis Esther. This year, I am b"H busy with a three month old baby... Thank you for being the shluchim of so much happiness!
I just got the email from you for this year, so I went back to other years to see which names I submitted then. I noticed that 2 years ago, I put in my own name for a shidduch. B"H, I was engaged by the end of that month!
I signed up to daven for parnosso in Purim 2020. Immediately after Purim, my work place didn't need me to come to work there [but for an hr weekly] but still paid me in full for a whole year + incredible!
I requested a name to daven for Parnossa and I B"H found a job last week!
B"H, I had a baby boy 8 weeks ago... almost 3 years after my wedding!
Never underestimate the power of Teffilah or the koach that Purim has. A friend told me about this program where you get a name to daven for on Purim. I did it this past Purim and B"H I recently became a kallah.
First of all, I'd like to thank you for this special initiative.
To be part of something like this was amazing and 'ה should answer all our תפילות!
Also, I'm pleased to share with you that ******* bas ******* is engaged!
(name removed for privacy purposes)
We cannot underestimate the power of tefillo and the ikkar is in such an atmosphere of achdus
My son ******* ben ******* became a chosson, beshoa tova! Hodu laShem!
(name removed for privacy purposes)
Veohavta loreacho komoicha... ani Hashem. When Hashem sees we are b'achdus then He says "Ani Hashem I am here with you." I want to join you and He brings the yeshuos.
May we be zoche...
B"H, my daughter is due in a month. Thank you for your initiative.
I definitely don't mind davening for others, and my situation has recently gotten better, I'm sure last year's tefillos were part of the reason. I'd love to do this again this year.
My husband found a new job that he is happy with and my brother got B"H engaged.
I thought it was very nice-it wasn't any extra work and felt good to daven for someone else. I was davening for a shidduch and now I am married. Tizku L'mitzvos!
Last purim I prayed very hard to find my zivug, I was in tears, and Boruch Hashem I got engaged 3 months later and I am now almost 2 months married. The power of tefillah in this day is incredible!
Yes my prayers were definitely answered BH, and the ones that weren’t were also answered by Hashem saying that wasn’t best at the time being so did not come into fruition yet!
Thank you so much for all the work you do on behalf of Klal Yisroel! B"H I became a kallah last week!
Yes tefillos were brother's numbers for blood count went way down and chemo reduced to every 6 months! Many thanks for offering to be Hashem's shaliach! Look forward to doing this again for other issues....Tisku Lemitzvas!
B"H the power of Purim was an amazing initiative. Please can I sign up again this year. B"H our Tefillos were answered and we had a beautiful baby girl!
I don’t recall what I asked for last year, but I don’t underestimate the power of Purim. Actually, last year was of the most beautiful, emotional and connected I had. Thank you once again
Yes my tefillos were answered. I am baruch Hashem married and very happy. Thank you. May Hashem answer all of Klall Yisroel's tefillos.
Did it work? I have no idea. But do I enjoy davening for others on auspicious days? Absolutely! I'm still single and waiting for Hashem to send my zivug hagun bkarov ubmehaira, but I have no doubt that the tefilos are going towards something amazing. Thanks for running this project. Tizku lmitzvos!
B"H we had our first child this year after 7 years! Thank you Hashem.
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